We have all heard that tale in our childhood. The girl locked up in the tall tower who had long hair. The fairy tale goes that the beautiful girl would let her hair down for her enchantress to climb up the tower. Of course, Rapunzel hair was not only long they were also very strong to let a grown person use it to climb the tower.
If the story of your hair mostly contains pages from one hair day to the next then perhaps it is time you stop blaming your tresses and pay attention to the hair products you have been using on it. Special emphasis needs to be put on the shampoo you use and the manner in which you wash your hair. Always choose a shampoo that is appropriate for your hair type and stay clear of detergent based products that strip your locks of its natural oils. Instead choose a shampoo that contains natural products. Certain ingredients are found to be especially beneficial to specific hair types.these are--
Dry hair: Green tea extract is found to add sheen and strength to the brittle and easy to tangle strand of dry hair.
Oily hair: This type of hair is found to benefit from the extracts of herbs and flowers such as rosemary and Pansy. Also a vitamin A and vitamin E enriched formula will ensure a healthy growth.
Combination hair: This is the most common hair type and requires a gentle pH balanced shampoo that cleanses and conditions the hair, leaving it strong and healthy.
How Rapunzel did brush her hair? Which brush did she use? We all lose so much hair while combing and brushing our hair. May be we all could get beautiful and strong hair if only we knew the correct usage of our brushes. Which hair brush is the right one for you?
Informative read about the beauty products,The natural personal care market has immensely grown in the past few years.Natural and personal care products offer numerous benefits to the consumers. Being bio-degradable, most natural care beauty products are environmentally friendly.
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Hair Extensions Salons
Now a days beauty products are necessary for girls to increase their natural beauty. Everyone goes for branded cosmetics for their skin ,face, eyes and lips.
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