Tammy Fender: Now available at B-Glowing

B-Glowing, an authorized e-commerce retailer, unveils revolutionary at-home tools for beauty care.

Lisa James, founder of B-Glowing, shares her personal passion for good looks and fashion by retailing beauty and skin care products from all over the world. Customers now have a choice of a wide assortment of products, including formulations from well-known names like Tammy Fender.

For beauty conscious women, it is ever so confusing whenever they go shopping.

 Should they go for organic products or stick to products that have always worked for them? With thousands of products on the market, it is not possible to check the ingredients of each and every product. However, it becomes easy when a particular line of products is kept at one place.

It is horns of a dilemma,says an exasperated shopper. I apply certain creams and wow the results are immediate. My face is bright and smooth. But as soon as I read the list of ingredients, I squirm it is a hodgepodge of rogue compounds that can cause allergy, are highly toxic, and without doubt environmentally horrid.You can search thousands of products, such as sunscreens and shampoos, and also look for their ingredients on B-Glowing.

The webshop is retailing Tammy Fender organic custom-blended formulations that promise beauty through holistic medicine.

“Our products are 100 percent botanical, made by therapeutic pure grade oils, cruelty free, and biodegradable,” says a representative of Tammy Fender. 

Women are extremely sensitive, when it comes to skin care products for children.

“I am more careful on my kids than on myself,” asserts a young school teacher. “I am a product junkie myself. It is of paramount importance for me the skin care stuff for my kids must be pure and non-toxic. After all, their skin is so tender.”

Organics products are the wave of the future and Peter Roth Thomas products with breakthrough formulas are just excellent. B-Glowing has a line that satisfies the most discerning. You can choose the products as per your needs.

About Us:

B-Glowing is an online boutique for amazing beauty products. The brands listed on the site include Clarisonic, Tammy Fender, Nuxe Paris, Bliss, Mama Mio, Rodin Olio Lusso, and many more. They have elegant body lotions, unique beauty creams, natural hair products, finest cosmetic and make-up products, and the most sought-sfter scents. You can contact b-glowing® at:

1231 NW Hoyt Street, Suite 401
Portland: OR 97209
Ph: 1-866-5254933 (Toll Free)


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