Good Sleep - A Reason for Glowing Face
Did anyone ever tell you that you sleep too much? Well, no wonder you have the clearest skin among your friends. Getting adequate sleep can mean great, healthy skin for you. When you are deprived of sleep, your body produces more than normal amount of the stress hormone, cortisol. Too much cortisol increases inflammation and stress in the body. With this large amount of stress and inflammation, you can hurt your skin's quality.
If you do not get enough sleep, the increased inflammatory cells will begin to breakdown the compounds that give the skin its glow and bounce, collagen, and hyaluronic acid. When they breakdown, it will affect your skin’s natural beauty. You need to get enough sleep, so that your body can re-balance its hydration. If your body doesn’t re-balance itself, you’ll wake up with puffy bags and dark circles. It will also cause visible wrinkles and dryness, showing signs of aging.
While you are sleeping, damaged cells are repaired, so without proper sleep the aging process is accelerated. Make sure you get enough sleep, so that your skin can be healthy and have its natural beauty. To get a good night sleep, drink plenty of water during the day and don’t eat a big meal too late in the day. You will wake up refreshed and ready for your day.