St. Valentine's Day Grooming Tips for Men

Do you feel it? Love is in the air! Valentine`s Day is rally close and it is time to talk about things you need to do in order to look perfect. No matter whether you have already found the love of your whole life, or just in a process of reaching this aim, you must look clean and tidy, if you are going to have a romantic date with someone who really attracts you.
Some guys think that they look gorgeous just the way they are, but women think otherwise. You need to take care of yourself, use all possible life hacks in order to charm any woman you dream of.

Step # 1 Shave
Skip shaving the bay before the date, or even two. It will help you to achieve closer shave in the day of the big event. It is a myth that everyday shaving will make your skin perfectly smooth. This effect can be achieved only with cutting more longer strands (like three - four day  bristle). Don’t forget about after shave remedies that will soften your skin and strands.

Step # 2 Exfoliate
The majority of man doesn’t even know what this word means. In real life, face exfoliating is a very important part of grooming routine not only for women, but for guys too. You can use special scrubs, created for men, or steal some from your girlfriend`s shelf. Guys, who have good imagination and creativity can try to create their own exfoliator, using foods you have in the fridge.

Step # 3 Apply cologne
No, you don't have to pour a whole bottle of cologne on your chest in order to look sexy. There is nothing worse than lung – full of overpowering scent. Scents should be light and gentle – paired with your natural pheromones and boundless. Only in this case you will successfully charm your opponent.

Follow all these tips, mentioned above, and you will definitely spend you St. Valentine's day in a good company of beautiful woman who lost her head because of you.


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