Three Lifestyle Changes for Getting Healthy Hair
Every day New Year gets closer and closer, and
all of us are pretty aware what it means – crowds at Whole Foods and Trader
Joe’s and promises to yourself to start new healthy life. In fact, going for
healthy life will bring you only numerous benefits, especially for your hair.
Hair stylists propose you to keep these three lifestyle changes in mind when
you make new year resolutions.
#1 Time to Be Active
If you always lack gym motivation to start the
new life, here it is – regularly exercising helps to promote a growth of
healthy hair. Is it not enough? Consider these three reasons to get the gym
membership right now. First, it contributes to fighting stress, which is reason
number one of hair loss. Second, it makes you happier by increasing serotonin
level in the brain. Third, it provides you with good blood circulation.
#2 Revise Your Refrigerator
You are what you eat. Healthy food gives you a
supply of nutrients for boosting your energy level; moreover, the healthier
food you eat, the healthier hair you have. Add to your diet such products as
salmon, beans, nuts, poultry and eggs, low-fat dairy, dark greens such as broccoli, spinach,
greens, etc.
#3 Eliminate Stress
It may sound impossible, but you need to avoid
stress. Hair stylists underline that there is a physical and emotional
component of stress which can have yank the hairs off your head. Of course, one
day full of stressful situation won’t make your hair fall out. However, such
cases like loss of your job or lover can. We are sure hating your ex-boyfriend
won’t cause hair loss; but if you stay up all night long lurking on his
Instagram feed – that will certainly play its role in triggering hair
hope these three tips will help to change your life for better.